:all aircraft except a few experimental aircraft Consists of same main parts These parts are
{Fuselage {the body-
Landing gear-
all these parts - except engine - are the plane structure. this part of the article Discusses the main parts of the structure, as well as the aircraft equipment ,machinery and various types of propellers. In the next part of the article will explain the engines
:Engineering design of the wing, tail and landing gear
:The wing
Wing extends to the outside of each side of the plane. And the lower surface of the wing almost flat but the upper surface is curved . The streamlined shape helps to generate leverage which lift the airplane of the ground and keep it in the air. See the article of aerodynamic, it helps you to explain how a wing generates lift power
Most aircraft wings are made of metal . The wing structure is made up of lists of longitudinal and transverse ribs. the structure is covered by a thin cover is usually made of aluminum. and most of the aircraft have cantilever wings fixed completely in the body. the wing has roots, borders,front edge, and back edge. wing's root is the part of the wing is fixed to the body, the border is the furthest wing edge from the body, the front edge is curved and back edge is thickness then sliding back up to the rear edge sharp like knife. and it is provide most of this type of aircraft wings , because of its excellent performance in the air at high speeds or low as well
For many aircraft - especially high-speed jet aircraft - the wings are fixed at the rear extension and tend to back starting from the root to the border. And a few aircraft with wings tend to front. The triangular wing-like geometric triangle and the length of the root approximately equal to the length of the body This design provides a high speed of the plane , as it reduces the drag force. And provide Military high-speed aircraft with variable geometry wings so-called moving wings, where you can move the wings and the plane in the air. When the straight wings out of the situation, it is appropriate to fly at low speeds, which are generated additional leverage in this situation. If the wings are in a rear extension to triangular wing form , the plane is in the best conditions for high speeds. In most aircraft wings animated control surfaces help to maintain the balance of the plane in the air. The ailerons installed pivotal passages along the rear edge of the wing. And can be moved up or down to control the stability of the cross-plane (ie the balance by the other side). The ailerons are used to control the aircraft tends to make it turning right or left aside in order to circumvent. When one of airfoils rise to the top, the other airfoil drop down. In most of aircraft have surface proved pivotal in the end of each Aileron, this surface called balancing surface. the pilot uses this surface to reduce the effort required by him in order to maintain the balance of the plane in the air. usually there is a same surface on each of the rudder and the elevator, such as those on the ailerons. a lot of aircraft is provided by flaps. these surfaces are placed in pivotal character length of the rear of the wings near the root. flaps extend to help the plane to increase the lift during take-off and increase the power of drag during landing. reduce lift devices take the place of some of the aircraft winglets
the slide of front surface which installed at the front boarder near the outer edge for both wings. it descend automatically outside to the front at reduced speeds to helps the wings to generate lift. there is a small whole behind the front border directly near each end of the wing also helps to generate more lift at low speeds. the engines are installed in many of the aircraft either above or within wings. the engines are inside closed metal cover called engine's house, it is usually the bottom of the wing. also most of the wings contain the fuel tanks and landing gear. different types of lighting lamps is distributed on the wings of the plane. There are at each end of wing a colored navigation light , light or identification of the site. light located at the tip of the left wing is a red color, and the light located at the right end is green. when you see these lights, you can determine the direction of the aircraft at first glance
:The Fuselage
the body extends from forefront of the plane until the tail. most of the aircraft body takes a tubular shape, covered with a light cover of aluminum. In the single-engine aircraft engine usually found in the front part of the body. But some of the jet aircraft engines have one or all in the back of the body. the body contains control devices, the crew, passengers, and cargo. in small aircraft, it contains the cockpit which have places for the pilot and one passenger only . The pilot is sitting with the passengers in the small plane but In most large aircraft there is a separate cabin for the crew and other places for passengers and goods
it is the back part of the plane helping it to be under control maintaining it to balanced state in the air. most of tail groups consist of shark fin, rudder, horizontal stabilizer and elevator. the main fin is vertically fixed to keep the plane in stable status. the rudder is fixed to its back side, it controls the plane during changing its direction. the stabilizer seems like a small wing, it is used to keep the plane in Horizontal stability. the carne fixed at the end of stabilizer, the pilot moves it up and down to rise or down the plane nose
most of modern aircraft have a completely moving tail instead of the stabilizer and the crane. it works to prevent oscillation of the tail to up or down Maintaining the horizontal stability of the aircraft . Empennage has a lot of different forms. In some aircraft, fin and rudder vertically create a right angle with the body. While in the other planes had tended to the acute angle to the back side. In most Jet aircraft which have engines in rear of the body, the horizontal stabilizer and crane found near the end of the vertical tail and elevator, it is proximity longer than usual. a tail group for some light aircraft in the form of 7 installed in each crane and balanced amendment surface
:Landing gear
It consists of wheels or floats that move the plane above it when going on the ground or water. landing gear bear weight of the aircraft when going on the Earth or water. For ground aircraft have two landing devices. In some light aircraft, landing gear consists of two wheels down the front of the body, and the third wheel under the tail, as most other aircraft have tripartite landing device, in light aircraft it consists of wheel under plane nose and two wheels under the middle of the body, or one under each wing, and many large aircraft triple landing device consists of: 1 the main landing gear, includes up to 12 wheel down both wings, 2 front landing wheel or mostly two wheels. landing gear either fixed or folding. fixed landing device remains in place for extended all the time of flying which reduces the speed of the plane. Either high-speed aircraft are mostly enclosed wheels or attract it up after take-off, either inside the wings, either inside the body. The fuselage against water leakage of water resist works as a cabin and landing at the same time. Either floats, operated landing gear in the aircraft. And amphibious aircraft operating on land and water wheels folds installed in the body
:The Panel

:Aircraft propellers
propellers. (chopper): It is pushing turboprop aircraft. In most of these aircraft have a propeller for each engine. In a few planes there are propellers run with a common axis that means one engine runs many propellers. in single engine aircraft, the propeller installed in front of plane but in multy engines aircraft, the propellers installed at the wings. Some aircraft has two blades propeller While large aircraft propellers blades up to five. The plane ccommander can change the angle of the blades of the propeller during a flight every particular speed, maneuver, or a specific angle of blades. When the blades on the correct angle the plane works efficiently. As propellers of fixed blades cannot be controlled by changing the angles. Fixed speed motor, angles are adjusted automatically to keep the engine rotation speed constant during air manoeuvres. Some of the propeller blades can be administered to the angle to be parallel with the direction of their aircraft. blades are enclosed to prevent wind from rotating propeller when engine failure to ensure its safety