
الأحد، 18 ديسمبر 2011

Just Flight - Air Hauler

How to build your own Airlines ?????

Just .......

Can do it

Build your own Airlines with Air Hauler

الثلاثاء، 29 نوفمبر 2011

Download and fly with B52

:Dear brothers & Sisters, My Pleasure to offer you today a very giant aircraft


A truly remarkable aircraft to download and enjoy 
:Now, with some photos of the plane

الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011

Virtual Speed Program

     I am pleased to present to you  today a small program but it is very important in the aviation world. I prepared and programmed it by Visual Basic   the program is

Vertical Speed

The program calculates the drop-out rates of the runway. Bigenners  may suffer a lot of this stage. they are either land before or after the runway

الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2011

The Egyptian pilot, who exceeds the capacity of MiG-21

Video : The Egyptian pilot, who exceeds the capacity of MiG-21

During  October War in 1973 there were several military confrontations in general and specifically air confrontations. since the end of the war many stories appeared talking about the battles between Egyptian forces and Israeli forces. the battle was the most interesting, what I choose today I show you:

On the twentieth of October in 1973 in the midst of the war between Egypt and Israel, Israeli pilot Giora Epstein was in air fighting with one of the Egyptian pilots with Limited capacity fighter aircraft Mig 21  has been stalking for 5 minutes to the Egyptian plane fuel started to decline, prompting Egyptian pilot to fly low until it reached the height of 3000 feet with continuation of the Israeli plane in the chase, suddenly and without warning Egyptian pilot flied in amazing acrobatic move going into the ground attempting to rotate the plane and rise again. the Israeli pilot make sure  that the Egyptian plane will inevitably crash  where it is known that the success of this maneuver with the aircraft MiG-21 must be on altitude of  6,500 feet, not 3000 feet just as the Israeli pilot reported  but he was impressive where he saw the Egyptian plane Ascend to the sky again and  Egyptian pilot succeed in full rotation and starting again to the sky like a rocket as he put it, leaving behind a cloud of huge dust after he approached high from the ground, overtaking all the laws of gravity and acceleration are scientifically known  superior to the possibilities available to the MiG-21, which whole of connection to this area on the impossibility of the capacity of the aircraft to do such a maneuver on this height, became such a maneuver is taught in all aviation academies in the world  especially in Israel

Video above shows maneuver and Israeli pilot certificate, a witness of this maneuver and the Success of Egyptian pilot

الخميس، 24 نوفمبر 2011

Air navigation

Air navigation is  means by which the pilot reach his final stop, which identifies the location at any time. the aircraft is  provided compass and some other devices that help the pilot to precision navigation . a lot of airlines, and other large aircraft contains a computer helps pilots to navigate during long flights
 Among the most important navigational aids air: aviation map, similar to road maps, but contain more information, for example, aviation map showing various signs of roads, paths and airlines, and landing places, and radio stations that broadcast navigation signals for aircraft. Are currently used frequently, map flight rules with the statement, which is a special type of aviation maps showing all locations and frequencies of radio stations
: There are three main ways of Aeronautics
  free style                       - Determination of position                   - radio navigation -   

most of the pilots collect of these three methods

 free style-
 Is the simplest and most commonly used methods of air navigation. Using this method, the pilot keeps walking on the line to follow a series of markings. The pilot before take-off drawing a line on the flying map,   a route is required. The pilot noticed markings that will pass during the trip such as: bridges, roads and railway lines, rivers and cities. As the plane passed through during the journey on one of these signs, a sign that the pilot put on the map. If the pilot discovered that he did not accurately reflect the land on the label, it means the .need for altering the path of the plane

Estimate the position
 This method is used for air traffic when there are no visible signs of ground.  estimate the position needs skills and experiences of more than those required for navigation in the  free style. Pilots resort to the method of estimate position navigation when flying over large areas of water, forest, desert areas or in the middle layers of dense clouds. the pilot requires , in addition to the aviation map, to accurate stopwatch,  a compass and a laptop to perform complex calculations. The pilot pre-signed the route on the map.Then calculates the time required to reach the end of the path if it flew at a constant velocity. Using computer-based pilot corrects the track after taking into account the effect of wind.
      During the flight in the air, the pilot watch the compass to maintain the aircraft at the intended destination.  the aircraft has reached the end of the track when calculated elapsed time is over. this method of air navigation is not working proply in all cases, where change of  wind will cause in the failure to maintain the path of the plane at the intended destination.  VHF station, a comprehensive range radio signals are sent in all directions (360 °) , the drawing shows only eight signals.  the pilot take one of  signals to  follow when he  approached the final station, or staying away. the VHF receiver Shows  if you are in right direction or not.  

:Radio Navigation
Used by pilots in most cases. radio stations send  VHF signals received by the aircraft devices. the most 
modern aircraft are provided devices that use these signals.
     the pilot must control the device to find the radio station in each region, which shown on the aviation map, when the pilot set his machine to the correct ground station, navigation device needle guide him to fly to the right direction or off.Also this needle found  a moment that the plane Deviates from the right path, to Warn the pilot for re-course correction. This system, which was originally designed for civil aircraft or non-military, called  comprehensive range radio VHF.  The aircraft which used for air travel, uses a special device of a comprehensive range VHF stations,  called the distance measuring device. in this case the system is called : a comprehensive high-frequency station provided with distance measuring device. Military aircraft are also used a similar device called a tactical air navigation which has been to combine the two systems into one system used by civilian aircraft and military alike, and take advantage of some of the aircraft signals from the VHF comprehensive station term, to feed the automated flight system.  Other ways to air navigation: the pilots of aircraft are requested to work all the time to follow the rules of aviation devices using the statement. During this, pilots have different navigational aids to help him take off, flying, landing on the ground and degrade gracefully. Among the most important of these aids, a group of air traffic control centers to track aircraft. It provides centers with radar to make sure that all the aircraft in her flying in the specified air path . As well as provide travel aircraft by radar receiver and transmitter device called Identification system. This device receives the signal on the ground, the plane appear more clearly on the radar screen.  Many of airports have control towers, with air observers who have their special training under the guidance of take off and landing aircraft, using radio communication devices and radar. most of the airports involved in commercial activity are provided with automatic landing devices to help pilots of air travel to land safe landing. this system broadcast  a set of radio signals emitted from the earth to run special devices in the cockpit of the commercial aircraft. when Pilots control  these devices, he can be sure of the exact location for the runway, then they will land a safe landing.  Pilots have thier own  special ways of navigation across the oceans. The most commonly used two approaches are

           Direction of inertia              long-range air navigation -Laurent

 the aircraft that use inertial direction, are- provided with computer and other special devices to alert the pilot when he completed the distance within the planned flight. The aircraft used for long-range air navigation, it has a hardware to receive signals sent down a private radio stations broadcast from the ground. These signals indicate the exact location of the plane.  

Learning to Fly

     Learning to Fly

Aviation needs a great specialized knowledge, so a lot of aviation students get  basic lessons as well as flying lessons. The lessons include the basic materials: aerodynamics, meteorology (the study of the atmosphere), air navigation, and aviation laws
students have to gain a good knowledge of all these subjects to pass the exams.  flying lessons Include at least 40 hours of  flying . Half of that time the student accompanied his teacher sharing him flying the plane through dual  control system. the rest of the lessons the pilot student can fly solo that means he will fly with the plane alone . he must acquire the skill of taxiing operations on the ground, take off, various air maneuvers, air navigation and landing . student must be supplemented by half-time solo flight across the country, including at least one Trip ends to land at another airport other than the original. before every trip across the country the student check the weather conditions and he signing of the trip on a special type of mapping is called a air navigation panel. As well as check all the plane before take-off.   the student should be able to fly by Aircraft equipment, and also by observing the ground features. After landing the student has to record flight time in the record of the plane.
  Most states require the applicant for a certificate of flight unless he has been trained to fly military to get on a training course recognized by the National Authority responsible,  that issue these certificates to qualified applicants who have Appropriate qualifications more than others.

Flight control surfaces

  Aircraft flight control surfaces allow a pilot to adjust and control the aircraft's flight attitude. Development of an effective set of flight controls was a critical advance in the development of aircraft. Early efforts at fixed-wing aircraft design succeeded in generating sufficient lift to get the aircraft off the ground, but once aloft, the aircraft proved uncontrollable, often with disastrous results. The development of effective flight controls is what allowed stable flight. This article describes the control surfaces used on a fixed wing aircraft of conventional design. Other fixed wing aircraft configurations may use different control surfaces but the basic principles remain. The controls (stick and rudder) for rotary wing aircraft (helicopter or autogyro) accomplish the same motions about the three axes of rotation, but manipulate the rotating flight controls (main rotor disk and tail rotor disk) in a completely different manner.

 The Wright brothers are credited with developing the first practical control surfaces. It is a main part of their patent on flying.[1] Unlike modern control surfaces, they used wing warping.[2]In an attempt to circumvent the Wright patent, Glen Curtis made hinged control surfaces. Hinged control surfaces have the advantage of not causing stresses that are a problem of wing warping and are easier to build into structures.

Axes of motion
  An aircraft is free to rotate around three axes that are perpendicular to each other and intersect at its center of gravity (CG). To control position and direction a pilot must be able to control rotation about each of them.

Lateral axis
  The lateral axis passes through an aircraft from wingtip to wingtip. Rotation about this axis is called pitch. Pitch changes the vertical direction that the aircraft's nose is pointing. The elevators are the primary   control surfaces for pitch.

Longitudinal axis
  The longitudinal axis passes through the aircraft from nose to tail. Rotation about this axis is called roll. Rolling motion changes the orientation of the aircraft's wings with respect to the downward force of gravity. The pilot changes bank angle by increasing the lift on one wing and decreasing it on the other. This differential lift causes bank rotation around the longitudinal axis. The ailerons are the primary control of bank. The rudder also has a secondary effect on bank.

Vertical axis
 The vertical axis passes through an aircraft from top to bottom. Rotation about this axis is called yaw. Yaw changes the direction the aircraft's nose is pointing, left or right. The primary control of yaw is with the rudder. Ailerons also have a secondary effect on yaw. It is important to note that these axes move with the aircraft, and change relative to the earth as the aircraft moves. For example, for an aircraft whose left wing is pointing straight down, its "vertical" axis is parallel with the ground, while its "lateral" axis is perpendicular to the ground.

 Main control surfaces
  The main control surfaces of a fixed-wing aircraft are attached to the airframe on hinges or tracks so they may move and thus deflect the air stream passing over them. This redirection of the air stream generates an unbalanced force to rotate the plane about the associated axis.

 Ailerons are mounted on the trailing edge of each wing near the wingtips and move in opposite directions. When the pilot moves the stick left, or turns the wheel counter-clockwise, the left aileron goes up and the right aileron goes down. A raised aileron reduces lift on that wing and a lowered one increases lift, so moving the stick left causes the left wing to drop and the right wing to rise. This causes the aircraft to roll to the left and begin to turn to the left. Centering the stick returns the ailerons to neutral maintaining the bank angle. The aircraft will continue to turn until opposite aileron motion returns the bank angle to zero to fly straight.

  An elevator is mounted on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer on each side of the fin in the tail. They move up and down together. When the pilot pulls the stick backward, the elevators go up. Pushing the stick forward causes the elevators to go down. Raised elevators push down on the tail and cause the nose to pitch up. This makes the wings fly at a higherangle of attack, which generates more lift and more drag. Centering the stick returns the elevators to neutral and stops the change of pitch. Many aircraft use a stabilator — a moveable horizontal stabilizer — in place of an elevator. Some aircraft, such as an MD-80, use a servo tab within the elevator surface to aerodynamically move the main surface into position. The direction of travel of the control tab will thus be in a direction opposite to the main control surface. It is for this reason that an MD-80 tail looks like it has a 'split' elevator system.

  The rudder is typically mounted on the trailing edge of the fin, part of the empennage. When the pilot pushes the left pedal, the rudder deflects left. Pushing the right pedal causes the rudder to deflect right. Deflecting the rudder right pushes the tail left and causes the nose to yaw to the right. Centering the rudder pedals returns the rudder to neutral and stops the yaw. Secondary effects of controls Ailerons The ailerons primarily control roll. Whenever lift is increased, induced drag is also increased. When the stick is moved left to roll the aircraft to the left, the right aileron is lowered which increases lift on the right wing and therefore increases induced drag on the right wing. Using ailerons causes adverse yaw, meaning the nose of the aircraft yaws in a direction opposite to the aileron application. When moving the stick to the left to bank the wings, adverse yaw moves the nose of the aircraft to the right. Adverse yaw is more pronounced for light aircraft with long wings, such as gliders. It is counteracted by the pilot with the rudder. Differential ailerons are ailerons which have been rigged such that the downgoing aileron deflects less than the upward-moving one, reducing adverse yaw. Rudder A rudder is basically one of the most important control surface of an aircraft the helps in yawing motion, the motion of a plane about its normal. Other situations where a rudder is used is to counter-act the motion of adverse yawing produced by the ailerons. but in other matters, a rudder can never be used for increasing altitude (in terms of a commercial aircraft). Also, since rudders generally extend above the aircraft's center of gravity, a torque is imparted to the aircraft resulting in an adverse bank. Pushing the rudder to the right not only pulls the tail to the left and the nose to the right, which eventually makes the plane turn the whole fuselage to the right. Out of all the control inputs, rudder input creates the greatest amount of adverse effect. For this reason ailerons and rudder are generally used together on light aircraft: when turning to the left, the control column is moved left, and adequate left rudder is applied. This results in a coordinated turn- neither slipping into the turn with insufficient rudder input nor skidding out of it with excess rudder.

 Turning the aircraft
 Unlike a boat, turning an aircraft is not normally carried out with the rudder. With aircraft, the turn is caused by the horizontal component of lift. The lifting force, perpendicular to the wings of the aircraft, is tilted in the direction of the intended turn by rolling the aircraft into the turn. As the bank angle is increased the lifting force, which was previously acting only in the vertical, is split into two components: One acting vertically and one acting horizontally.
 If the total lift is kept constant, the vertical component of lift will decrease. As the weight of the aircraft is unchanged, this would result in the aircraft descending if not countered. To maintain level flight requires increased positive (up) elevator to increase the angle of attack, increase the total lift generated and keep the vertical component of lift equal with the weight of the aircraft. This cannot continue indefinitely. The wings can only generate a finite amount of lift at a given air speed. As the load factor (commonly called G loading) is increased an accelerated aerodynamic stall will occur, even though the aircraft is above its 1G stall speed.      

The total lift (load factor) required to maintain level flight is directly related to the bank angle. This means that for a given airspeed, level flight can only be maintained up to a certain given angle of bank. Beyond this angle of bank, the aircraft will suffer an accelerated stall if the pilot attempts to generate enough lift to maintain level flight.

Alternate main control surfaces
  Some aircraft configurations have non-standard primary controls. For example instead of elevators at the back of the stabilizers, the entire tailplane may change angle. Some aircraft have a tail in the shape of a V, and the moving parts at the back of those combine the functions of elevators and rudder. Delta wing aircraft may have "elevons" at the back of the wing, which combine the functions of elevators and ailerons.

Secondary control surfaces
  On low drag aircraft like sailplanesspoilers are used to disrupt airflow over the wing and greatly increase the amount of drag. This allows a glider pilot to lose altitude without gaining excessive airspeed. Spoilers are sometimes called "lift dumpers". Spoilers that can be used asymmetrically are called spoilerons and are able to affect an aircraft's roll

 Flaps are mounted on the trailing edge of each wing on the inboard section of each wing (near the wing roots). They are deflected down to increase the effective curvature of the wing. Flaps raise the Maximum Lift Coefficient of the aircraft and therefore reduce its stalling speed.[3] They are used during low speed, high angle of attack flight including take-off and descent for landing. Some aircraft are equipped with "flapperons", which are more commonly called "inboard ailerons"[citation needed]. These devices function primarily as ailerons, but on some aircraft, will "droop" when the flaps are deployed, thus acting as both a flap and a roll-control inboard aileron.

 Slats, also known as Leading Edge Devices, are extensions to the front of a wing for lift augmentation, and are intended to reduce the stalling speed by altering the airflow over the wing. Slats may be fixed or retractable - fixed slats (e.g. as on the Fieseler Fi 156 Storch) give excellent slow speed and STOL capabilities, but compromise higher speed performance. Retractable slats, as seen on most airliners, provide reduced stalling speed for take-off and landing, but are retracted for cruising.

Air brakes
 Air brakes, also called spoilers, are used to increase drag. On a typical airliner, for example, the spoilers are a series of panels on the upper surface of the wing which deploy upwards to disrupt airflow over the wing, thus adding drag. The number of panels that deploy, as well as the degree to which they deploy, depends on the regime of flight in which they are used. For example, if a pilot must descend quickly without increasing speed, he may select a speed brake setting for the desired effect. In such a case, only certain spoiler panels will deploy to create the most efficient reduction in speed without overstressing the wing. On most airliners, spoiler panels on the wings mix with aileron inputs to enhance roll control. For example, a left bank will engage the ailerons as well as deploy certain spoiler panels on the down-going wing. Ground spoilers are essentially similar to flight spoilers, except that they deploy upon touchdown on the runway, and include all spoiler panels for maximum "lift dump". After touchdown, the ground spoilers deploy, and "dump" the lift generated by the wings, thus placing the aircraft's weight on the wheels, which accomplish the vast majority of braking after touchdown. Most jet airliners also have a thrust reverser, which simply deflects exhaust from the engines forward, helping to slow the aircraft down.

Other control surfaces
 Trim controls Trimming controls allow a pilot to balance the lift and drag being produced by the wings and control surfaces over a wide range of load and airspeed. This reduces the effort required to adjust or maintain a desired flight attitude.

Elevator trim
  Elevator trim balances the control force necessary to maintain the aerodynamic down force on the tail. Whilst carrying out certain flight exercises, a lot of trim could be required to maintain the desired angle of attack. This mainly applies to slow flight, where maintaining a nose-up attitude requires a lot of trim. Elevator trim is correlated with the speed of the airflow over the tail, thus airspeed changes to the aircraft require re-trimming. An important design parameter for aircraft is the stability of the aircraft when trimmed for level flight. Any disturbances such as gusts or turbulence will be damped over a short period of time and the aircraft will return to its level flight trimmed airspeed. 

 Trimming tail plane
  Except for very light aircraft, trim tabs on elevators are unable to provide the force and range of motion desired. To provide the appropriate trim force the entire horizontal tail plane is made adjustable in pitch. This allows the pilot to select exactly the right amount of positive or negative lift from the tail plane while reducing drag from the elevators.

Control horn
  A control horn is a section of control surface which projects ahead of the pivot point. It generates a force which tends to increase the surface's deflection thus reducing the control pressure experienced by the pilot. Control horns may also incorporate a counterweight which helps to balance the control and prevent it from In the simplest fluttering in the air stream. Some designs feature separate anti-flutter weights


Spring trim
cases trimming is done by a mechanical spring (or bungee) which adds appropriate force to augment the pilot's control input. The spring is usually connected to an elevator trim lever to allow the pilot to set the spring force applied.
 Source :  Wikipedia 


               :The four forces that affect the aircraft in the air are

And gravity is the natural force that attracts the plane to earth direction. Leverage push the plane to the top against gravity. The drag force is normal force  of the air, which goes against the aircraft movement to forward. momentum is balanced with power of drag and push the plane to forward. there are four major forces Control the aircraft

Leverage -
the drag-

  gravity is the natural force that attracts the plane to the direction of the earth.  The lifting force is force which pushes the plane upward against the force of gravity.This force is generated due to movement of the plane's wing through the air. The drag force is the force of natural resistance to the air to move the aircraft forward   . the momentum is the force which opposed to the power of drag, it causes the movement of the aircraft to forward. momentum is generated  by plane' fans  or jet engines

When leverage of the plane equal to the force of gravity, and momentum equal to force drag, the plane fly in 
straight . When any changing  of one of these four forces, the plane begins to climb, or turn or change direction or change the situation. his part of  article Discusses   some of the ways in which the four forces effect the plane. The following section discusses how the pilot controls these forces

  Lifting force generated by low air pressure over the wing of the plane upper surface of the convex wing
low air pressure which takes over the convex surface when the plane is moving forward. The high pressure area is trying to always be moving in the direction of the low pressure, so the area of ​​high pressure below the wing rises in the direction of the low pressure so the plane rises up to the air

 The force of gravity and leverage. The force of gravity trying to maintain the viability of the aircraft above the ground or attracted towards the earth when flying in the air.And the force of gravity at the Earth is equal to the weight of the aircraft. it is necessary for the plane to take off  and remain in the air,  to generate leverage to take it up more than the force of gravity down
The lifting force is generated due to changes in air pressure on the aerodynamic section of the wing as the plane moved on the land of the runway  or in the air.  first attempts to fly using the wings Failed, where it was not understood then that the convex top surface of the aircraft wing is the main reason to generate power of lift. After the discovery of this fact, people started making airplane wings so that the upper surface slightly convex. And thus generated the lift power needed, as the bird wing
When the aircraft is parked, the air pressure on the wing from the top and bottom are equal, but when it moves forward, air begins to flow over and down the wing , moving air passing over the upper surface of the convex wing in the curved path increasing speed and less compress at the ssame time the air is moving passing through the lower surface of the wing in a straight line, it remains so consistent speed and pressure. The high pressure area is trying to always move in the direction of low-pressure area. Therefore, the air below the wing tries to move up But the wing stops against it .Therefore, instead of meeting the low-pressure area, the high pressure area lifts the wing in the air. when the plane go faster, a greater leverage generated by the wing. And increasing the speed of the plane during the running on the runway, before take-off, generates an increasing wing lift. In the end, when the pressure below the wing become more than the weight of the plane, and the leverage is greater than the force of gravity, the plane takes off

  How to generate momentum
  Drag force and momentum. Wing can only generate lift  when it is moving  forward through the air. To this plane, the engines are needed to generate the required necessary momentum  to start moving forward . to increase momentum, the plane has to move faster than before. However, with  increasing speed of the plane, increases the drag force.
To Resist this drag, the aircraft need for more momentum.  In jet engines, the momentum is generated by Rapid flow of gases through the engine. The fans generate momentum for helicopters and aircraft turbine reciprocating engines. the fans blades is Similar to the plane's wing .when you rotate the fan, the air pressure drops before it. Here the air of a higher pressure begins to move behind the blades to the direction of low pressure in front of the fan blades and pushing the plane forward. whenever the jet engine or fans rotation increased  generated momentum increased at the same time  To help increasing the momentum, engineers is seeking  for designing the fuselage in a very streamlined form as possible and also  designing a smooth plane surface and tight form, as designing of all outer surface parts  so that it can find its way into the air easily and softness

:Changing height
    when leverage Balance with the force of gravity, and momentum with the power of drag the aircraft fly in a straight and flat. To begin to land the plane the pilot must start to reduced engine capacity "This is done for jet engines and helicopter engines" by reducing the rotation speed of the engine to reduce the generated momentum . With the low momentum, also leverage reduces to start the plane to fall down. At the same time increase the drag force exerting downward pressure on the speed of the aircraft and increases the rate of decline.  To rise, the commander of the aircraft has to increase the capacity of the engines.And spin the propeller, or jet engine, more quickly to generate greater momentum.With increasing momentum, the leverage increases , the plane begins to climb.However, the rise of the lift force and drag , the aircraft need for more leverage. For the highest leverage, the pilot increased the angle of attack, the angle between the chord line of the wing of a fixed-wing aircraft and the vector representing the relative motion between the aircraft and the atmosphere. some of control devices is used to push the front of the plane to indicate a slightly higher, even wing makes a positive angle with the flight path and increase the speed of air passing over the upper surface of the wing to become a pressure less than the pressure in lower side and moving high pressure area below the wing to the area of ​​low pressure above generating lift. But continuing to increase the angle of attack eventually lead to turbulence above the surface of the wing and increasing drag force and restores the balance of power, the four pilot acting on the aircraft by increasing the engine capacity to generate greater momentum

Changing direction
 The pilot can rotate of the plane by increasing the lift generated by the wing or the other.  rotation to the left, for example, the pilot uses the control devices that put the plane in a lateral tilt to the left, ie, that  the left wing drops down from the right wing. The lifting force generated is always perpendicular to the surface of the wing. When the wing is not parallel to the horizontal surface of the Earth, the leverage is the other diagonal with the surface of the earth. And increase the leverage on the right wing when he drops the left wing, forcing the plane for rotation. The pilot uses the rudder to maintain stable flight mode. he Does not depend on the rudder to make a rotation, but the tendency of leverage when the wings at an angle with the horizon line is sufficient, that is leading to the plane of rotation.  When the plane begins to rotate, the leverage will be less than the anti-gravity and the plane lose some height. To restore the balance of four forces once again, the pilot can take one of two procedures, namely: 1 - increase the angle of attack increases the lift generated on the wings 2 - increase the capacity of the engines to increase the leverage to greater. In sharp turn, the pilot increase the angle of attack, and the ability of the engine at the same time, to prevent the plane to loss more height

Power needed to fly

The ability of flying

      :Engine generates the ability to fly the plane. Planes uses three main types of engines
reciprocating or piston engines-
Jet engines-
 rocket engines-

 reciprocating engines are the most weight and least productive of the ability of these types, while the rocket    engine is the most productive capacity  

 :Comparison of aircraft reciprocating engines and jet engine
Reciprocating or piston engines-
 uses more than other types of aircraft engines.Most small aircraft and many of the large aircraft fitted with reciprocating engines.For these aircraft there is one propeller or more. the engine runs aircraft fan, the power generated to push the plane in the air
 piston engines in the plane are similar to his work in the car. In both cases, the engine burning a mixture of gasoline and air inside the cylinder, causing an explosion which causes pushing the piston up and down inside the cylinder to manages crankshaft, , which makes the plane fan  rotate. In the car the crankshaft push other parts eventually lead to the rotation of the wheels.  aircraft engines uses a device called Amonat instead of batteries to make a spark. most of the aircraft engine is cooled  by air instead of water
the ability of reciprocating engine Measured by unit of kW , capacity of most aircraft engines is ranging between 22 kW for small & single engine aircraft and 300 kW for two large engines aircraft . the most productive of the reciprocating engines used to drive the capacity of aircraft was the engine is installed on the giant American bomber  B-36, which was generating 2722 kW, in the late forties of the twentieth century. No longer large aircraft use of such reciprocating engines with a high capacity. Such aircraft are pushed by automatically jet engines lighter than reciprocating engines, although they generate a lot  power to them 
Reciprocating engines still used in most light aircraft which works better than the jet engines at low speed

:Jet engines
jet engines enable  large aircraft to travel long distances at high speeds. But jet engines must also have that work satisfactorily even at low speeds used for automatic pushing for safety landing
:There are three types of jet engines, are
turbo-jet engine -
turbine fan engine -
 Turboprop and turbo shaft - 

 jet engine turbine is the first success engine , some aircraft is still used it till now . turbo jet engine pulls air from front of it to burn it after mixing with fuel. this process generates a powerful exhaust gas which blown through the engine with high speed, causing the engine to move forward at high speed is equal.  Before exhaust is leaving the engine nozzle  , it runs a turbine disk to run various turbine engine parts
all modern airliners are nearly provided turbine fan engines which are similar  to turbo-jet engines with some improvements. The turbofan works in most cases, like turbine jet engine, but it has a front fan pulls a large amount of air. Moving only a portion of this air for combustion with the fuel to generate exhaust  puffs , the rest of air  joins the exhaust gas when they came out together from the barrel of the engine. the exhaust is becoming  more capable and less heat than the exhaust of turbine jet engine .. turbofan engine consumes less fuel than jet turbine engine, produces less noise, and it works better at slow speeds
 turbo-propeller engine uses to push the front. Gathering the surpassing power of the engine turbo-jet and the best ability of fans on flying at low speeds

 There are other types of jet engines, but they are rarely used to push the aircraft. compressor Turbine jet is the simplest types of jet engines and most of the productive capacity. But it only works at high speeds only. The compressor  jet engine is used mainly to push aircraft missiles (the drones), as well as weapons. Pulse detonation engine is also simplified. However, it consumes a great quantity of fuel and noisy which makes it  not fit to push the aircraft

Rocket engine. Rocket engine works in a similar manner to the jet engine work , except that it does not need to supply oxygen from the outside air. it improves missile engine performance at very high speeds, but it also consumes a high degree of fuel raising the cost of operation. also the possibility of missile engine explosion at any moment is a reason not to use it for the automatic push for the passengers aircraft becuase of  the intensity of gravity

Although its Disadvantages , the rocket engine is sometimes used to push for the aircraft. There are a few of the jet or turboprop engines that use a small rocket engine to help it take off at high speed if the cargo is large or taking off from a short runway. Rocket engines fixed either the body of the aircraft or the bottom of their wings. Rocket motors have been used to push for many of the automated aircraft test, ultrasound, such as the Bell X-plane 1, and the American plane X-15

Aircraft Parts

:all aircraft except a few experimental aircraft Consists of same main parts These parts are

{Fuselage  {the body-
Landing gear-

all these parts - except engine - are the plane structure.  this part of the article Discusses the main parts of the structure, as well as  the aircraft equipment ,machinery and various types of propellers. In the next part of the article will explain the engines

:Engineering design of the wing, tail and landing gear

:The wing
Wing extends to the outside of each side of the plane. And the lower surface of the wing almost flat but the upper surface is curved . The streamlined shape helps to generate leverage which lift the airplane of the ground and keep it in the air. See the article of aerodynamic, it helps you to explain how a wing  generates lift power
     Most aircraft wings are made of metal . The wing structure is made up of lists of longitudinal and transverse ribs. the structure is covered by a thin cover is usually made of aluminum. and most of the aircraft have cantilever wings fixed completely in the body. the wing has roots, borders,front edge, and back edge. wing's root is the part of the wing is fixed to the body, the border is the furthest wing edge from the body, the front edge is curved  and back edge is thickness then sliding back up to the rear edge sharp like knife. and it is provide most of this type of aircraft wings  , because of its excellent  performance in the air at high speeds or low as well  
     For many aircraft - especially high-speed jet aircraft -  the wings are fixed at the rear extension and tend to back starting from the root to the border. And a few aircraft with wings tend to front. The triangular wing-like geometric triangle and the length of the root approximately equal to the length of the body This design provides a high speed of the plane , as it reduces the drag force. And provide Military high-speed aircraft with variable geometry wings so-called moving wings, where you can move the wings and the plane in the air. When the straight wings out of the situation, it is appropriate to fly at low speeds, which are generated additional leverage in this situation. If the wings are in a rear extension to triangular wing form , the plane is in the best conditions for high speeds. In most aircraft wings animated control surfaces help to maintain the balance of the plane in the air. The ailerons installed pivotal passages along the rear edge of the wing. And can be moved up or down to control the stability of the cross-plane (ie the balance by the other side). The ailerons are used to control the aircraft tends to make it turning right or left aside in order to circumvent. When one of airfoils rise to the top,  the other airfoil drop down. In most of aircraft have surface proved pivotal in the end of each Aileron, this surface called balancing surface. the pilot uses this surface to reduce the effort required by him in order to maintain the balance of the plane in the air. usually there is a same surface on each of the rudder and the elevator, such as those on the ailerons.  a lot of aircraft is provided by flaps. these surfaces are placed  in pivotal character length of the rear of the wings near the root. flaps extend to help the plane to increase the lift during take-off and increase the power of drag during landing. reduce lift devices take the place of some of the aircraft winglets
     the slide of front surface which installed at the front boarder near the outer edge for both wings. it descend automatically outside to the front at reduced speeds to helps the wings to generate lift. there is a small whole behind the front border directly near each end of the wing also helps to generate more lift at low speeds.  the engines are installed in many of the aircraft either above or within wings. the engines are inside closed metal cover called engine's house, it is usually the bottom of the wing. also most of the wings contain the fuel tanks and landing gear. different types of lighting lamps is distributed on the wings of the plane. There are at each end of wing a colored navigation light , light or identification of the site. light located at the tip of the left wing is a red color, and the light located at the right end is green.  when you see these lights, you can determine the direction of the aircraft at first glance

:The Fuselage
      the body extends from forefront of the plane until the tail. most of the aircraft body takes a tubular shape, covered with a light cover of aluminum. In the single-engine aircraft engine usually found in the front part of the body. But some of the jet aircraft  engines have one or all in the back of the body.  the body contains control devices, the crew, passengers, and cargo. in small aircraft, it contains the cockpit which have places for the pilot and one passenger only . The pilot is sitting with the passengers in the small plane but In most large aircraft there is a separate cabin for the crew and other places for  passengers and goods

     it is the back part of the plane helping it to be under control maintaining it to  balanced state in the air.  most of tail groups consist of shark fin, rudder, horizontal stabilizer and elevator. the main fin is vertically fixed to keep the plane in stable status. the rudder is fixed to its back side, it controls the plane during changing its direction. the stabilizer seems like a small wing, it is used to keep the plane in Horizontal stability. the carne fixed at the end of stabilizer, the pilot moves it up and down to rise or down the plane nose 
     most of modern aircraft have a completely moving tail instead of the stabilizer and the crane. it works to prevent oscillation of the tail to up or down Maintaining the horizontal stability of the aircraft . Empennage has a lot of different forms. In some aircraft, fin and rudder vertically create a right angle with the body. While in the other planes had tended to the acute angle to the back side.  In most Jet aircraft which have engines in rear of the body,  the horizontal stabilizer and crane found near the end of the vertical tail and elevator, it is proximity longer than usual. a tail group  for some light aircraft in the form of 7 installed in each crane and balanced amendment surface

:Landing gear
     It consists of wheels or floats that move the plane above it when going on the ground or water.  landing gear bear weight of the aircraft when going on the Earth or water. For ground aircraft  have two landing devices. In some light aircraft, landing gear consists of two wheels down the front of the body, and the third wheel under the tail, as most other aircraft have  tripartite landing device, in light aircraft  it consists of  wheel under plane nose and two wheels under the middle of the body, or one under each wing, and many large aircraft triple landing device consists of: 1 the main landing gear,  includes up to 12 wheel down both wings, 2 front landing wheel or mostly two wheels.  landing gear either fixed or folding. fixed landing device remains in place for extended all the time of flying which reduces the speed of the plane. Either high-speed aircraft are mostly enclosed wheels or attract it up after take-off, either inside the wings, either inside the body. The fuselage against water leakage of water resist  works as a cabin and landing at the same time. Either floats, operated landing gear in the aircraft. And amphibious aircraft operating on land and water wheels folds installed in the body

:The Panel  
     The instrument panel, ranging from relatively simple painting of the aircraft Beechcraft King Air and the complex paintings of aircraft, Boeing 747.And each of the pilot and co-pilot control devices installed in the front panel. In the 747 there is a flight engineer monitors the hardware installed on the right panel. Control devices and screens Inside the cockpit, the pilot is available to the various organs of leadership and navigational aids. Most aircraft wheel and ailerons are running the crane, while a small number of special types of aircraft such as fighter aircraft and agricultural spraying is controlled by stick instead of the steering wheel. And controls the rudder by rudder pedals. There are also a number of screens related to the engine to record fuel consumption, oil pressure, and other information on the engine. The screens found out the speed of the plane ,height and  guide angle provided in the air. Some aircraft has auto pilot which connects to controllers to maintain  the destination of the aircraft automatically. all modern airlines are provided auto pilot, laptop and other electronic assistance, such as radar

:Aircraft propellers
     propellers. (chopper): It is pushing turboprop aircraft. In most of these aircraft have a propeller for each engine. In a few planes there are propellers run with a common axis that means one engine runs many propellers. in single engine aircraft, the propeller installed in front of plane but in multy engines aircraft, the propellers installed at the wings.  Some aircraft has two blades propeller While large aircraft propellers blades up to five. The plane ccommander can change the angle of the blades of the propeller during a flight every particular speed, maneuver, or a specific angle of blades. When the blades on the correct angle the plane works efficiently. As propellers of fixed blades cannot be controlled by changing the angles. Fixed speed motor, angles are adjusted automatically to keep the engine rotation speed constant during air manoeuvres. Some of the propeller blades can be administered to the angle to be parallel with the direction of their aircraft. blades are enclosed to prevent wind from rotating propeller when engine failure to ensure its safety