
الخميس، 24 نوفمبر 2011

Air navigation

Air navigation is  means by which the pilot reach his final stop, which identifies the location at any time. the aircraft is  provided compass and some other devices that help the pilot to precision navigation . a lot of airlines, and other large aircraft contains a computer helps pilots to navigate during long flights
 Among the most important navigational aids air: aviation map, similar to road maps, but contain more information, for example, aviation map showing various signs of roads, paths and airlines, and landing places, and radio stations that broadcast navigation signals for aircraft. Are currently used frequently, map flight rules with the statement, which is a special type of aviation maps showing all locations and frequencies of radio stations
: There are three main ways of Aeronautics
  free style                       - Determination of position                   - radio navigation -   

most of the pilots collect of these three methods

 free style-
 Is the simplest and most commonly used methods of air navigation. Using this method, the pilot keeps walking on the line to follow a series of markings. The pilot before take-off drawing a line on the flying map,   a route is required. The pilot noticed markings that will pass during the trip such as: bridges, roads and railway lines, rivers and cities. As the plane passed through during the journey on one of these signs, a sign that the pilot put on the map. If the pilot discovered that he did not accurately reflect the land on the label, it means the .need for altering the path of the plane

Estimate the position
 This method is used for air traffic when there are no visible signs of ground.  estimate the position needs skills and experiences of more than those required for navigation in the  free style. Pilots resort to the method of estimate position navigation when flying over large areas of water, forest, desert areas or in the middle layers of dense clouds. the pilot requires , in addition to the aviation map, to accurate stopwatch,  a compass and a laptop to perform complex calculations. The pilot pre-signed the route on the map.Then calculates the time required to reach the end of the path if it flew at a constant velocity. Using computer-based pilot corrects the track after taking into account the effect of wind.
      During the flight in the air, the pilot watch the compass to maintain the aircraft at the intended destination.  the aircraft has reached the end of the track when calculated elapsed time is over. this method of air navigation is not working proply in all cases, where change of  wind will cause in the failure to maintain the path of the plane at the intended destination.  VHF station, a comprehensive range radio signals are sent in all directions (360 °) , the drawing shows only eight signals.  the pilot take one of  signals to  follow when he  approached the final station, or staying away. the VHF receiver Shows  if you are in right direction or not.  

:Radio Navigation
Used by pilots in most cases. radio stations send  VHF signals received by the aircraft devices. the most 
modern aircraft are provided devices that use these signals.
     the pilot must control the device to find the radio station in each region, which shown on the aviation map, when the pilot set his machine to the correct ground station, navigation device needle guide him to fly to the right direction or off.Also this needle found  a moment that the plane Deviates from the right path, to Warn the pilot for re-course correction. This system, which was originally designed for civil aircraft or non-military, called  comprehensive range radio VHF.  The aircraft which used for air travel, uses a special device of a comprehensive range VHF stations,  called the distance measuring device. in this case the system is called : a comprehensive high-frequency station provided with distance measuring device. Military aircraft are also used a similar device called a tactical air navigation which has been to combine the two systems into one system used by civilian aircraft and military alike, and take advantage of some of the aircraft signals from the VHF comprehensive station term, to feed the automated flight system.  Other ways to air navigation: the pilots of aircraft are requested to work all the time to follow the rules of aviation devices using the statement. During this, pilots have different navigational aids to help him take off, flying, landing on the ground and degrade gracefully. Among the most important of these aids, a group of air traffic control centers to track aircraft. It provides centers with radar to make sure that all the aircraft in her flying in the specified air path . As well as provide travel aircraft by radar receiver and transmitter device called Identification system. This device receives the signal on the ground, the plane appear more clearly on the radar screen.  Many of airports have control towers, with air observers who have their special training under the guidance of take off and landing aircraft, using radio communication devices and radar. most of the airports involved in commercial activity are provided with automatic landing devices to help pilots of air travel to land safe landing. this system broadcast  a set of radio signals emitted from the earth to run special devices in the cockpit of the commercial aircraft. when Pilots control  these devices, he can be sure of the exact location for the runway, then they will land a safe landing.  Pilots have thier own  special ways of navigation across the oceans. The most commonly used two approaches are

           Direction of inertia              long-range air navigation -Laurent

 the aircraft that use inertial direction, are- provided with computer and other special devices to alert the pilot when he completed the distance within the planned flight. The aircraft used for long-range air navigation, it has a hardware to receive signals sent down a private radio stations broadcast from the ground. These signals indicate the exact location of the plane.