
الجمعة، 13 يناير 2012

SID & STAR Navigation

Our lesson today about importance of SID, STAR. after my
reply to a question of valued member .. I felt that this subject needs an integrated lesson .. To Close by any question concerning of SID & STAR 
SID is the short name of Standard Instrumental Departure it means: leaving the airport in an automated way

STAR is the short name of Standard Terminal Arrival Route .. That means : Approaching to the runway automatically  .. (I mean Approaching not ILS landing) ..
Dear Friends There are two ways to  guide the plane in navigational way: -
  • SID, STAR: Automated departure or approaching .
  • Radar vectors: Guidance of the Air Controller .
The first is the automated or automatic process, you name as you would like ..the plane is approaching the runway by using STAR process depending on Auto-Pilot and FMC, or leaving the airport to the flight beginning's point using SID relying on Auto-Pilot and FMC

 Vertical Direction*
 Horizontal Direction *

Example: When air controller says : Cleared ILS approach runway 05L, Turn right heading 140 descend and maintain 2,500 feet
Here the observer has given you a permission to approach runway 05L .. to do this correctly, you must turn to the direction of 140, and go down to the height of 2500 feet
This is what we call it the Radar vectors, also when the observer says : expect vectors ILS approach runway 05L ... he tells you to expect Radar vectoring to the runway
dear friends, Back of the SID, STAR  .. In fact both of these two ways seems as an automated observer ..  SID consists of a number of points, each point is stored in a database of FMC in a certain direction and certain height .. As well as the STAR
this way save time and effort of air controller, it works as automatic air controller , which helps air controller to help the pilot as Autopilot does
there are SID, STAR maps for each airport  .. And there are also SIDs and STARs for each runway at the airport  of its own ... Let us Speak about this point now, but before doiong that ..we have to explain what is
:Route means
Dear friends , the Route is air path consists of several air points linked to each others by air ways from departure airport  to  arrival airport
Such as cars, which travel from country to country, passing into points throughout the course of the trip .. These points are traffic centers along the route .. The highways link between this centers

:From the previous picture, we find four terms

 Departure airport .. Or the city which the car will leave from *
Arrival airport  .. Or the city which the car will travel to *
way-point  .. They are points that will be passed by the car * 
air-way .. Which is such as highways linking the checkpoints together* 

If we apply the car on the subject of aviation, we find many of the points between departure airport and arrival airport  .. And that must be crossed by the plane through air-ways 
:The way-point in aviation is a
Ground stations send the x-rays which is received by electromagnetic navigation devices*
on the plane, such as   NDB or VOR or  ILS

Imaginary points with coordinates known worldwide and documented by the ICAO,  these*
{coordinates do not change, and called the name of certain five-character {MENLI or SOLAM
 :for example
point of MENLI coordinates is 29 North - 31 East, or in other words: the intersection point of line
 31 East with line 29 North called MENLI 

not change, and called the name of certain five-character ( MENLI or SOLAM), for example, point of MENLI coordinates is 29 North - 31 East, or in other words: the intersection point of line 31 East with line 29 North called MENLI 

The air-way is an imaginary line drawn between each point and the other, the Civil Aviation Authority of the State gives specific label for easy use, for example, the air-way A727 is linking between  points of SOLAM and RASMI
the route can be found in Route Finder site, its link is: http://rfinder.asalink.net/free
this is an example of the  Cairo airport HECA to Hurghada Airport HEGN route, when we brought it from the site mentioned above: HECA SID SOLAM A727 SEMRU STAR HEGN 
:I will explain you point by point in order to understand on the track
The route always starts with airport departure HECA*
We will leave the airport to the first point in the route "SOLAM" by specific SID. if there is no SID .. As we have stated we will need after take-off to Radar vectoring and that is recorded in the route as DCT words which is abbreviation for Direct 
When we want Radar vectoring after takeoff (or did not find a suitable SID), form of Route will  be HECA DCT SOLAM .. that means we will fly to SOLAM point directly after takeoff, flying direct means that we will need air controller help 
Links between two points SOLAM and SEMRU route called  A727 
To fly from Cairo airport to Hurghada Airport, we will cross over the two crossing points  SEMRU and SOLAM
After we leave SEMRU point there is also (as we did with the take-off)  two ways to approach the landing runway, first we use the STAR .. if we did not find an appropriate STAR, we will ask the observer to fly directly to the runway via the Radar vectoring, and thus will be the Route is HECA SID SOLAM A727 SEMRU DCT HEGN

 both of the SID, the STAR Maps are similar in form, but in function it is totally difference .. Dear reader, and you are sure you understand the difference 
When he tried to fly - if you like to use  SID or  STAR - you collect all maps of the airport .. without maps of the SID or STAR, there is no magic way to use this method, and thus will be forced for Radar vectoring 
The following image shows a map of the SID from Cairo Airport Maps .. I will explain it to you

 [Name of the map [should be an SID, to be a special departure airport - on the left*
Names of the SIDs and the runway used them {note that the runway is 23R and the*
:SID's are
explaining the procedures to follow each SID*
vertical map of Cairo airport and crossing points near it,  the SIDs connected to these points*

:about SID, we will find that it consists of two parts ISMAILIYA-1C as follows
{ISMAILIYA: a point that we want to Navigate {the first point in the Route*
1C: a definition codes, if there were two points of the SID reaches ISMAILIYA, we differentiate*
 between them by giving a code for each SID  consists of a number and letter

The same which is explained in the previous SID.  but STAR makes us close to the airport after the last point in the Route, for that we will only place an image of STAR

Now I will show you an example flight using SID and STAR depending on FMC
Note: This example only applies to 737 - 747-777
Our example flight will be from Frankfurt Airport to Munich Airport, Germany


I will suppose that there is no air observer will guide me to SID or STAR, and this is very important to who fly in uncontrolled airspace, both Off Line or IVAO Unicom 122.800
also I will suppose that the wind direction of 170 degrees 12 knots speed .. And Frankfurt Airport have 7L - 25L  - 18  runways
certainly, the appropriated runway according to the direction of wind is runway 18
:Therefore, we have to get the map of SID for runway 18 departures .. Here are

when we check the map we will notice two SID's Points are DKB 3L and DKB 3S which guiding you to the first point of your route "DKB or VOR station Denkilespol"
So Our depature runway is 18 and our depature SID is DKB 3L
Now let us program the FMC for our route  as shown in the image below.

as you note in the picture I did not put the runway number, FMC will choose it automatically,
but there are SIDs for more than one runway, so you prompt to choose one of them.
we will got to Page 2 by clicking on the NEXT PAGE As you know

This is page 2, we will write your flight route (for beginners: the waypoints are written on
the right side TO, and the air-ways are written in the left VIA).
Then we press ACTIVATE ...  EXEC buttom will light,  press it.
Then we push a button DEP ARR (abbreviation of DEParture & ARRival)

This is the page of the SIDs for Frankfurt Airport .. Note that the SIDs in alphabetical order,
 so we will be pushing the NEXT PAGE button to review the rest of the page, searching for
 the letter D ..

We have found the SID DKB 3L, we press the opposite button "LK5".

After choosing the SID.We find that the FMC may choose runway 18 automatically, because
this is the SID for one runway, and it is listed only 18, we are pressing the EXEC to activate
the departure runway and SID departure.

Note after pressing the EXEC button in the previous step, will turn to <SEL> <ACT>, and
SEL means SELECTED or been chosen, either ACTIVATED or means ACT has been
activated .. The pilot to make sure that he was activating the departure runway and SID
the route will appear on ND screen,  .. You can also press LEGS button to show points of
the SID, so make sure you adjust the process successfully ..

This is the path of the SID, which would take us to the first point of the route of our journey
" DKB " (shown at the end of the screen - lower left) [(800), RID, KNGNB and AKONI].
 the path of the SID ends with point DKB..
Now you can continue normal flight, as you always do ... Take off and Cruise ..Before the
approach,  we will select the STAR ...

Now we come to STAR selecting step ..
We will search METAR data for Munich Airport (airport access), dear reader, I will suppose
 that the landing runway is ILS 08R ..

Maps should be presented for the STAR Munich airport now ...
And look for the STAR, who leads our aircraft from the last point in the Default Route is
BURAM to runway 08R .... I think you also understand STAR very well

Of this STARs map we will select the STAR of BURAM 2M, which is dedicated to runways
We will insert it manually , according to the state wind and  METAR, we will select the most
suitable runway is ILS 08R.
Next step: programming the FMC with STAR , so we will be pushing DEP ARR button to
show the page of SIDs STARs  .. As in the following image.

Page will show us the Arrivals of Munich International Airport .. We will choose the STAR
of BURAM 2M,  we will select runway ILS 08R manually .. EXEC buttom will be lighten, do
not press it and click on the LEGS button  .. As in the following image.

Do not press the button on the EXEC, first, then clicking on the button LEGS .. Page will
show you points of traffic, but there is a problem to be solved first before pressing the button
 EXEC ... Click on the NEXT PAGE button, looking for empty boxes after five words:
 ROUTE DISCONTINUITY .. As in the picture below ..

You'll see five empty boxes - before it we will find the first point which leads us to the runway
 (a LOCALIZER point ) .. Click NEXT PAGE, and convey this point "which following these
boxes directly" to these boxes .. As in the next picture  ...

 we have to cancel a ROUTE DISCONTINUITY by transferring BEGEN point that follow it to
the five empty boxes, so as to activate the approuch of the ILS runway 08R ...Press the
opposite button to this point LK1 to move it to free space the bottom of the screen as in the
 picture then press the PREV PAGE button to return to the page containing the empty boxes ...
Then press the opposite button to these boxes ... Next click EXEC button ...

I hope you got it 
see you next lesson