
الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2011

The Egyptian pilot, who exceeds the capacity of MiG-21

Video : The Egyptian pilot, who exceeds the capacity of MiG-21

During  October War in 1973 there were several military confrontations in general and specifically air confrontations. since the end of the war many stories appeared talking about the battles between Egyptian forces and Israeli forces. the battle was the most interesting, what I choose today I show you:

On the twentieth of October in 1973 in the midst of the war between Egypt and Israel, Israeli pilot Giora Epstein was in air fighting with one of the Egyptian pilots with Limited capacity fighter aircraft Mig 21  has been stalking for 5 minutes to the Egyptian plane fuel started to decline, prompting Egyptian pilot to fly low until it reached the height of 3000 feet with continuation of the Israeli plane in the chase, suddenly and without warning Egyptian pilot flied in amazing acrobatic move going into the ground attempting to rotate the plane and rise again. the Israeli pilot make sure  that the Egyptian plane will inevitably crash  where it is known that the success of this maneuver with the aircraft MiG-21 must be on altitude of  6,500 feet, not 3000 feet just as the Israeli pilot reported  but he was impressive where he saw the Egyptian plane Ascend to the sky again and  Egyptian pilot succeed in full rotation and starting again to the sky like a rocket as he put it, leaving behind a cloud of huge dust after he approached high from the ground, overtaking all the laws of gravity and acceleration are scientifically known  superior to the possibilities available to the MiG-21, which whole of connection to this area on the impossibility of the capacity of the aircraft to do such a maneuver on this height, became such a maneuver is taught in all aviation academies in the world  especially in Israel

Video above shows maneuver and Israeli pilot certificate, a witness of this maneuver and the Success of Egyptian pilot