
الجمعة، 13 يناير 2012

SID & STAR Navigation

Our lesson today about importance of SID, STAR. after my
reply to a question of valued member .. I felt that this subject needs an integrated lesson .. To Close by any question concerning of SID & STAR 
SID is the short name of Standard Instrumental Departure it means: leaving the airport in an automated way

STAR is the short name of Standard Terminal Arrival Route .. That means : Approaching to the runway automatically  .. (I mean Approaching not ILS landing) ..

الأحد، 1 يناير 2012

VOR DME Navigation

I am pleased to offer you this full explanation of how to use navigational devices ...Theoretically and practically.
 Navigational devices are the backbone of the navigation in the aviation world, where most of the pilots relied upon for navigation, especially in the aircraft without FMC, or GPS.

The ability to deal with these devices is a necessary skill and experience is very important that any pilot needs.
  So let us start.